Commercial Name(s): | Tatabu, Sucupira Preta |
Other Name(s): | Cutiuba, Sapupira, Arenillo, Coeur Dehors, Huasai-caspi, Alcornoque, Macaniba, Zapan Negro, Baaka Kiabici, Zwarte Kabbes, Congrio, blakakabisi |
Botanical Name: | Diplotropis purpurea |
Botanical Family: | Fabaceae |
SBB Code: | ZWK |
Tatabu freshly cut heartwood is generally chocolate brown turning to a lighter brown when dry, occasionally grayish brown, with fine lighter parenchyma stripes; sharply demarcated from whitish or yellowish sapwood. Texture coarse; grain usually straight to slightly interlocked or slightly wavy; luster medium to high and golden, often with a waxy appearance; without distinctive odor or taste. The wood is moderately difficult to work and resulting surfaces, especially in planing, are fair to poor due to the coarse texture and frequent grain irregularity. The wood turns well and takes a good finish if filler is first applied.
Sliced veneer, Interior panelling, Ship building (planking and deck), Heavy carpentry, Exterior joinery, Turned goods, Interior joinery, Current furniture or furniture components, Stairs (inside), Bridges (Parts not in contact with water or ground), Vehicle or container flooring, Wood frame house, Exterior panelling, Wood-ware, Cabinetwork (high class furniture), Flooring.
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